
A Cartogram of Unique Visitors to the SWJ Page over one Week

This cartogram shows the unique visitors to the SWJ page over about one week proportional to the size of the country of origin. Check out Germany, the Netherlands, or Italy as examples. The cartogram was generated using D3, topoJSON, and cartogram.js using our piwik data. Right now, we are working on an interactive version for our new portal.

Piwik Web Analytics Software Installed

Starting today we will use the Piwik free and open source web analytics software. We have not used any system before and have decided to use Piwik instead of Google analytics (or related products) to better protect your data. We will use Piwik to collect simple user/browser statistics to improve our web system. We configured Piwik to ignore all your data if your browser uses the do-not-track flag.

Special Call for Papers on the Social, Political, Cultural and Economic Dimensions of Ontology Engineering

Special Call for Papers on the Social, Political, Cultural and Economic Dimensions of Ontology Engineering

Developing an ontology is similar to arranging a fence. In both cases human beings demarcate areas, be it in geographic or conceptual space, that they want to separate for some purpose. While the social, political, cultural, and economic implications of introducing such demarcations in the physical and social world, e.g., land ownership, have been studied for decades, ontologies are largely approached from a purely engineering perspective. There is reason to believe that this may hinder the success and adaptation of ontologies in science and society.

Streamlining SWJ Decision Categories

The editorial board just decided to implement a new policy regarding decision categories for submitted papers: Decisions on submitted manuscripts are one of the following.

  1. Accept
  2. Minor revisions required
  3. Major revisions required
  4. Reject

They mean the following:

Semantic Web Journal: Call for Special Issue Proposals

Semantic Web Journal: Call for Special Issue Proposals
