OntoMatcher: Leveraging Context-Aware Siamese Networks, LLMs and BioBERT for Enhanced Biomedical Ontology Alignment |
Reject |
1,720 |
25/Sep/2023 |
A Unified and Evolvable Knowledge Graph Management Mechanism for Medical Data |
Reject |
2,840 |
24/Sep/2023 |
Construction of Knowledge Graphs: Current State and Challenges |
Reject (Two Strikes) |
1,166 |
20/Sep/2023 |
NORIA-O: An Ontology for Anomaly Detection and Incident Management in ICT Systems |
Reject |
1,321 |
18/Sep/2023 |
OntoSeer - A Recommendation System to Improve the Quality of Ontologies |
Major Revision |
1,832 |
11/Sep/2023 |
Food Process Ontology Requirements |
Accept |
3,523 |
28/Aug/2023 |
INK: Knowledge graph representation for efficient and performant rule mining |
Accept |
1,622 |
23/Aug/2023 |
A Semantic Framework for Condition Monitoring in Industry 4.0 based on Evolving Knowledge Bases |
Accept |
1,977 |
23/Aug/2023 |
ProVe: A Pipeline for Automated Provenance Verification of Knowledge Graphs Against Textual Sources |
Accept |
2,159 |
14/Aug/2023 |
Psychiq and Wwwyzzerdd: Wikidata completion using Wikipedia |
Accept |
2,793 |
14/Aug/2023 |
LinkedDataOps:Quality Oriented End-to-end Geospatial Linked Data Production Governance |
Accept |
2,245 |
14/Aug/2023 |
Using MFS and XSS to improve Query Relaxation and Query By Example Process |
Reject |
1,309 |
04/Aug/2023 |
RATIONALE: A Security and Safety Testing Ontology for Machine Learning-based systems |
Reject |
2,174 |
19/Jul/2023 |
Structural Quality Metrics to Evaluate Knowledge Graph Quality |
Reject |
2,038 |
17/Jul/2023 |
SPARQL query execution time prediction using Deep Learning |
Major Revision |
2,512 |
17/Jul/2023 |
Describing the nature of legislation through roll call voting in the Chilean National Congress, a linked dataset description |
Major Revision |
3,258 |
11/Jul/2023 |
What is in Your Cookie Box? Explaining Ingredients of Web Cookies with Knowledge Graphs |
Accept |
2,146 |
07/Jul/2023 |
SAP-KG: Analysis of Synonym Predicates using Wikidata |
Reject |
1,740 |
03/Jul/2023 |
Focused Categorization Power of Ontologies: General Framework and Study on Simple Existential Concept Expressions |
Accept |
2,104 |
28/Jun/2023 |
Perdurant Ontology Using Conceptual Dependency Theory |
Reject |
1,449 |
28/Jun/2023 |
NEOntometrics – A Public Endpoint For Calculating Ontology Metrics |
Reject (Two Strikes) |
2,085 |
23/Jun/2023 |
Searching for explanations of black-box classifiers in the space of semantic queries |
Accept |
2,670 |
23/Jun/2023 |
OWL Representation of the Common Information Sharing Environment Data Scheme for the Maritime Domain |
Major Revision |
2,113 |
20/Jun/2023 |
KG-MDL: Mining Graph Patterns in Knowledge Graphs with the MDL Principle |
Reject |
1,749 |
20/Jun/2023 |
Constructing, Enriching and Querying Knowledge Graphs in Natural Language |
Reject |
2,183 |
09/Jun/2023 |
Publishing planned, live and historical public transport data on the Web with the Linked Connections framework |
Accept |
4,903 |
08/Jun/2023 |
Quantifiable Integrity for Linked Data on the Web |
Accept |
2,046 |
07/Jun/2023 |
A Conceptual Model for Ontology Quality Assessment |
Accept |
2,311 |
06/Jun/2023 |
Optimizing SPARQL Queries over Decentralized Knowledge Graphs |
Accept |
2,213 |
05/Jun/2023 |