
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Views Updatedsort ascending
A Graph-based Approach for Inferring Semantic Descriptions of Wikipedia Tables Major Revision 1,782 11/Jan/2023
Searching for explanations of black-box classifiers in the space of queries Reject (Two Strikes) 2,978 11/Jan/2023
Developing an Upper Ontology of Behaviour: An Online Collaborative Approach Reject 1,680 11/Jan/2023
ROH: Towards a highly usable and flexible knowledge model for the academic and research domains Reject (Two Strikes) 1,817 11/Jan/2023
Cultural Heritage Information Retrieval: Data Modelling and Applications Reject (Two Strikes) 2,375 11/Jan/2023
Helio: a framework for implementing the life cycle of knowledge graphs Accept 4,142 03/Jan/2023
Automatic Ontology Population from French Classified Advertisements Reject 3,073 16/Dec/2022
An Ontological Approach for Representing Declarative Mapping Languages Accept 2,895 07/Dec/2022
MTab4D: Semantic Annotation of Tabular Data with DBpedia Accept 3,772 30/Nov/2022
LSQ 2.0: A Linked Dataset of SPARQL Query Logs Accept 6,152 04/Nov/2022
HyproBert: A fake news detection model based on deep hyper context Reject (Pre-Screening) 1,757 31/Oct/2022
Creating Occupant-Centered Digital Twins Using the Occupant Feedback Ontology Implemented in a Smartwatch App Accept 5,635 20/Oct/2022
Is Neuro-Symbolic AI Meeting its Promises in Natural Language Processing? A Structured Review Accept 2,853 20/Oct/2022
Evaluating the usability of a semantic environmental health data framework: approach and study Accept 3,002 20/Oct/2022
A systematic overview of data federation systems Accept 3,468 19/Oct/2022
MADLINK: Attentive Multihop and Entity Descriptions for Link Prediction in Knowledge Graphs Accept 4,556 17/Oct/2022
Link Traversal Querying for a diverse Web of Data Accept 19,262 07/Oct/2022
Editorial of Transport Data on the Web Accept 2,676 07/Oct/2022
LinkedDataOps:Quality Oriented End-to-end Geospatial Linked Data Production Governance Minor Revision 1,690 07/Oct/2022
Semantic Structure for describing IoT System: IoTContextOnt. Application for smart home and smart airport Reject 2,860 30/Sep/2022
Towards Welding Knowledge Models as ISO-Driven and Standardized Ontologies Reject 3,139 28/Sep/2022
The OneGraph Vision: Challenges of Breaking the Graph Model Lock-In Accept 4,452 26/Sep/2022
Linking Women Editors of Periodicals to the Wikidata Knowledge Graph Accept 4,479 23/Sep/2022
Survey of Models and Architectures to Ensure Linked Data Access Reject 2,380 21/Sep/2022
Semantics-Aware Shilling Attacks against collaborative recommender systems via Knowledge Graphs Major Revision 3,706 20/Sep/2022
Editorial of Knowledge Graphs Validation and Quality Accept 2,157 19/Sep/2022
Learning SHACL Shapes from Knowledge Graphs Accept 3,509 19/Sep/2022
Editorial of the Special Issue on Latest Advancements in Linguistic Linked Data Accept 2,101 09/Sep/2022
A Theoretically-Grounded Benchmark for the Evaluation of Machine Common Sense Reject 1,531 07/Sep/2022
