
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Views Updatedsort ascending
ArabSearch - A Semantic Agent for Searching Using Semantics Reject (Pre-Screening) 5,548 03/Sep/2012
Linking Earth and Climate Science: Semantic Search Supporting Investigation of Climate Change Reject and Resubmit 14,303 01/Sep/2012
Model Outlines: a Visual Language for DL Concept Descriptions Accept 13,862 29/Aug/2012
Semantic Web and the Libraries: An Overview Reject (Pre-Screening) 5,579 28/Aug/2012
The Third Generation of Internet: The Semantic Web as a Component of Web 3.0 Reject (Pre-Screening) 5,531 25/Aug/2012
Amsterdam Museum Linked Open Data Accept 37,101 23/Aug/2012
Exploring User and System Requirements of Linked Data Visualization through a Visual Dashboard Approach Accept 17,870 22/Aug/2012
Facilitating integrated analysis of biological data by enhancing interoperability of RDF resources: Practical Recommendations Reject and Resubmit 20,038 14/Aug/2012
A consumer’s look on Facebook and Twitter – What do people read and where? Reject and Resubmit 11,599 14/Aug/2012
A Review of Argumentation for the Social Semantic Web Accept 34,121 07/Aug/2012
The Digital Agenda Scoreboard: An Statistical Anatomy of Europe’s way into the Information Age Reject and Resubmit 5,680 03/Aug/2012
An ontology-based approach for semantic ranking of the web search engines results Reject 16,361 18/Jul/2012
Arabic Semantic Web Applications – A Survey Reject 5,986 17/Jul/2012
Using Syntactic and Semantic Analyses to Improve the Quality of Requirements Documentation Accept 19,723 14/Jul/2012
A Semantic Search Algorithm for Ontology Matching Reject 6,883 12/Jul/2012
Description of the FAST (Faceted Application of Subject Terminology) Dataset Reject and Resubmit 5,676 11/Jul/2012
The IRIS2 Dataset for Experimenting Algorithms in Semantic Search Reject and Resubmit 5,795 06/Jul/2012
Ontologies and Languages for Representing Mathematical Knowledge on the Semantic Web Accept 28,115 05/Jul/2012
Description of the VIAF (Virtual International Authority File) Dataset Reject and Resubmit 5,940 29/Jun/2012
Integration of Metabolic Pathway Linked Data: Lessons Learned Reject and Resubmit 5,731 22/Jun/2012
The Digital Earth as Knowledge Engine Accept 14,775 15/Jun/2012
Ontology of Units of Measure and Related Concepts Accept 40,810 12/Jun/2012
WebProtégé: A Collaborative Ontology Editor and Knowledge Acquisition Tool for the Web Accept 43,348 07/Jun/2012
ASWGF! Towards an Intelligent Solution for the Deep Semantic Web Problem Reject (Pre-Screening) 5,686 13/May/2012
A SKOS approach to semantically enabling the International Coastal Atlas Network Reject (Pre-Screening) 5,510 12/May/2012
Efficient Query Answering over Fuzzy EL-OWL Based on Crisp Datalog Rewritable Fuzzy EL++ Reject and Resubmit 5,954 08/May/2012
Special Issue on Real-time and Ubiquitous Social Semantics Accept 11,770 27/Apr/2012
Localised Annotation of Event Video with User Tweets Reject and Resubmit 5,853 25/Apr/2012
OntoBroker - Mature and approved semantic middleware Accept 49,237 19/Apr/2012
